

There are just issued and available separately selected camouflage profiles from our published (but not only) titles. Posters are in A3 format (420 × 297 mm), price EUR 4,50 each, postage according to country of delivery. You can order through our contact e-mail.

select aircraft

Poster 001

Albatros D.III (Oef), 53.30

Flik 6F, Oblt. Karl Benedek, summer 1917

(see photos in Albatros D.II & D.III Oeffag publication)

Order code: JaPo poster 001

Poster 002

Albatros D.III (Oef), 153.10

Flik 41J, Hptm. Godwin Brumowski, February–March 1918

(see photos in Albatros D.II & D.III Oeffag publication)

Order code: JaPo poster 002

Poster 003

Albatros D.III (Oef), 153.52

Flik 41J, Hptm. Godwin Brumowski, October 1917–February 1918

(see photos in Albatros D.II & D.III Oeffag publication)

Order code: JaPo poster 003

Poster 004

Albatros D.III (Oef), 153.119

Flik 461J, Oblt.i.d.R. Ernst Strohschneider, February–March 1918

(see photos in Albatros D.II & D.III Oeffag publication)

Order code: JaPo poster 004

Poster 005

Albatros D.III (Oef), 253.06

Flik 3J, Oblt. Friedrich Navratil, Romagnano, August 1918

(see photos in Albatros D.II & D.III Oeffag publication)

Order code: JaPo poster 005